资源 for 当前的学生

At 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, we have the resources you need to succeed. Find the ones you are looking for in this convenient resource roundup.


Login to MySJC to find forms, access student applications, and access Self-Service to register for classes, 支付, access your student information, 和更多的!




Get instructions on how to select your classes for the next semester.


Make an appointment to ensure you're on track to reach your educational goals.


Access your courses, submit assignments, and engage with your classmates and instructors online.


The Information Technology Center will answer your technical support questions. It also has helpful guides and FAQs.


Study for classes, conduct research, or browse the shelves in our library.


Buy textbooks and other supplies for 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 courses.

Academic 资源


Get help with coursework and homework in-person or online.


See important dates for 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 students.


Keep track of the courses you need to complete your degree or certificate program.


See what courses are available to take and plan next semester's schedule.


Schedule tests and exams for classes and other requirements.


Find instructions for requesting or submitting official and unofficial college transcripts.

Students giving a thumbs up in the 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 图书馆.


Find the support you need to succeed on your educational journey. We provide career advice, academic coaching, and honors programs. 

Financial 资源


Find out how to make tuition payments.


Learn about financial aid options, workshops, and scholarship opportunities.

Student Employment

Earn your work study hours through working part-time as a student employee.

student study in various groups in the student success center

学生支持 and 资源

Find student services that will support you as a whole student. We have several centers that serve our Hispanic/Latino, Native American, and veteran students. We also provide services from counseling to Lactation/Family Rooms. 


Upcoming Student Events

Celebrate Your Success

Honor Roll Roster

SJC is proud of our Honor Roll Roster students for their dedication and outstanding academic achievements.

应用 for Graduation

It’s your time to shine! Prepare for graduation.

SJC students taking pictures in their film class.

Capture Life at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站

We know that something fun and exciting is always happening at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站. If you have photos and videos of SJC events and students, share them with us. You might see yourself on our social media pages!